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Monday Sep 16h

We are starting a new training phase after completing “sled dog.” In this unique double-Open year, we first sought out a base layer of strength (Grunt Work). We then bridged the gap between it and our conditioning through routine stamina work (Sled Dog). Now, we’ll turn to peaking our abilities for the five weeks of competition ahead.

We have two focus points in “Katana”: Ability Awareness

Inside competition, especially in a game of inches that is the Open, awareness of our own limits is equally as important as our ability. It isn’t necessarily the sharpest sword that wins, but instead the sharpest warrior. Challenging ourselves with repetition schemes that will build both our physical capacity and our understanding of ourselves will prime us to give our best in the Open. We must have both dialed in.

Introducing “Capacity Builders”, we’ll routinely approach larger sets of Open-like movements and repetition schemes. Fine tuning familiar movements with unfamiliar conditions, our aim here is to prepare for any challenge we may see in October.

Capacity Builder: starting on 00:00, 02:00, 04:00 and 06:00, 8:00 total

Not much time between sets so athletes should get the weights they need for all sets before starting

In a 1:30 Window:

9 Power Cleans (115/85)

9 Front Squats (115/85)

9 Push Jerks (115/85)

Time Remaining: Max Ring Muscle-ups

Rest :30 Seconds

In a 1:30 Window:

7 Power Cleans (135/95)

7 Front Squats (135/95)

7 Push Jerks (135/95)

Time Remaining: Max Ring Muscle-ups

Rest :30 Seconds

In a 1:30 Window:

5 Power Cleans (155/105)

5 Front Squats (155/105)

5 Push Jerks (155/105)

Time Remaining: Max Ring Muscle-ups

Rest :30 Seconds

In a 1:30 Window:

3 Power Cleans (185/135)

3 Front Squats (185/135)

3 Push Jerks (185/135)


"Master Splinter"

3 Rounds

400 Meter Run

12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

15 Thrusters (95/65)

Time Remaining: Max Ring Muscle-ups

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