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Saturday, July 13th

Two parts to our Saturday: 1. Conditioning - "Mind Eraser", a repeat workout of ours.

2. Midline to finish.



“Mind Eraser”

20 Minute AMRAP: 7 Power Cleans 7 Burpees 200m Run

*Rx Barbell – (135/95)

If unable to run, complete:

250m Row

10 Calorie Bike

The run must be completed in full to count towards the score (if we finish 150m meters into the run, our partial repetition score would be 14). To match the stimulus, we are looking to a power clean weight that we could complete for 15+ repetitions unbroken. Seeking the moderate load that we could hang on for each round. The burpees are “regular”, or maybe better said, not burpees over the bar. Looking for extension and the clap overhead.

Inside this triplet, we have two relatively simple movements combined with a run. In other words, this is a workout based on building raw work capacity. Pacing here through the rounds is a very important factor to enter this workout with to optimize our score. In a 20 minute effort, we are looking for our first and second rounds to be some of the slowest – not the fastest.

We want to view the run in this workout as our chance to recover from the power cleans and burpees. But today let’s focus not just on “pacing” these runs, but also focus on what we are actually doing with our breathing during the 200 meters.

To start, and if there’s only once piece we leave this workout with, it’s belly breathing. As we inhale, it is our goal to expand the lungs to their capacity, maximizing the amount of air we can take in. We do this through diaphragmatic breathing, or “belly breathing”. As we inhale, we are looking to contract our diaphragm fully to maximize this intake of air.

To trigger the diaphragm, we want to actively think about breathing deep through our belly. Try it out now as we read this – take a long, and deep breath, through your belly. Now, to find the opposite, try to breath into the upper lungs… you’ll likely notice that it’s a shorter breath, and you can feel your shoulders rise and drop during these breaths. If we don’t breath through the belly (diaphragm), we are using these higher lung muscles, called intercostals, which simply fatigue faster. Here’s where the short choppy breaths come during the workout, where we feel like we simply just can’t get enough air in.

To practice belly breathing, try laying on your back on the floor, with one hand on your chest, one on your belly. Find the differences between the two breathing patterns, and focus in on practicing the belly breathing method.

As we move into our 200 meter runs, let it be our focus to find our belly breathing. Focus on these deep inhales, fueling the body, as opposed to the short and choppy breaths that don’t help us recover. Recover in this workout is king – those who recover best on these runs will find their best score. It takes effort – to be diligent with the breathing – and use today to practice so.

In a following running workout, we will get into breathing cadence. That is, timing our breaths to foot strikes. Today however, let’s focus first on the act of breathing through the belly throughout on the runs, and we’ll build upon that foundation next time.



3 Giant Sets: 20 Sit-Ups 40 Banded Push Downs *video below 100m Farmer’s Carry Rest 2:00 between sets.

Not for score or time, we are purposefully tiring ourselves before the farmers carries. On these walks, let's challenge ourselves with the loading. Free to build across the three rounds.


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