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Friday, April 12th

A. Deadlift - Building in percentages from last week

B. Heavy barbell/gymnastics intensive metcon to finish our Friday today - “Van Damme”



Every 2:00 for 6 Sets:

Deadlift 3 x 72% 1 x 79% 3 x 72% 1 x 84% 3 x 72% 1 x 89% Increasing by 2% on all lifts today from last week's effort.



“Van Damme”

For Time (25 min cap):

30 Power Snatches, 10 Ring Muscle-Ups 30 Power Clean and Jerks, 10 Ring Muscle-Ups 30 Thrusters, 10 Ring Muscle-Ups *Rx Barbell – (135/95)

**Scale Ring MU’s to 10 BMU or 10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups + 10 Ring Dips

Looking at the workout as a whole, managing our shoulder fatigue will be critical. Every repetition inside of this workout involves our shoulders in some capacity, with five out of six movements being a “pull”. So pacing our efforts with the full workout in mind will be a must to find our best time.

On the first two barbell movements, fast singles for the vast majority of athlete’s will be the best way to go. Completing touch and go repetitions are possible, but time gained here can quickly disappear on the rings if we aren’t moving well there. Unless we are very strong on both movement, controlled, smaller sets if not fast singles may be our best plan.

On the third barbell movement, the thruster, we do want to hold larger sets, naturally. And at this point in the workout, we can expect some good shoulder fatigue moving into so. With that in mind, reminding ourselves to use our hips to their full potential as we finish each squat will be the mindset. Using the power from our hips and legs to put the barbell overhead versus requiring a fatiguing “press out” with our shoulders will help push us through these final 30 barbell repetitions, and conserve our shoulders for the final 10 muscle-up repetitions.

On the rings, we have a similar mindset to the barbell – consistency is king. On the barbell, despite the fatigue, athlete’s will be able to continue to move forward for the next repetition, even if they are paced out, slower singles, On the rings however, we run the risk of reaching muscle failure, where missing repetitions can result in dozens of seconds quickly passing by. Recognizing that the workout is shoulder-intensive, it is in our best interest to be on the conservative side on the first two sets of ring muscle-ups. We can always move towards larger sets in the final 10 repetitions, and an extra break on the first two sets may buy us the ability to do exactly that in the end. However when we run the line of muscle failure too early in such a workout, we can find ourselves staring at the rings or chalk bucket as we wait to recover. We can always go faster here – lets first aim to never slow down. Consistency is king here.

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