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Friday, February 8th


Due to the ensuing panic that is taking over the greater Seattle area, all Friday evening (2/8/19) and Saturday morning (2/9/19) classes have been cancelled.

Please stay home and keep the roads as clear as possible for emergency vehicles responding to those who decided to venture out and drive when they shouldn't.

Enjoy the snow!



20 Minute AMRAP: 75 Wallballs (20/14) 60/45 Calorie Row 45 Toes to Bar 30 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20) 15 Ring Muscle-Ups

Today, we have a gymnastic based "Open"-style chipper.

As one can imagine, both conditioning at the aerobic level is only one of multiple factors in this 20 minute AMRAP. Many can "muscle through" most of these movements, yet that only gets us so far. Pacing our stamina inside the movements will be the focus of effort, finding a sustainable pace forward.

Starting with the wallballs, manageable chunks fit well here, naturally. And despite how we never want to reach failure inside this movement, we recognize that we are moving into the row next. The first handful of calories can be used as a recovery until we find our working pace.

Finishing a single round of this chipper will be challenging. And upon so if we do, we can expect our shoulders to be taxed. Coming off the burpee box jumps and work on the rings, we may be surprised with the need to move to smaller sets right off the bat. Good to expect it so we have a plan of action in place.

Moving onto the rower, we again recognize that we can use the first few calories as a recovery. From there, we do want to find a pace that leaves us uncomfortable, but does not sacrifice our immediate transition to a sizable set of TTB (our next station). Visualizing this pace as an intensity we could hold for 200 calories for time, we're moving, but at a very sustainable pace with the larger picture in mind. The rower can be a chance for ourselves to regain our composure.

The toes to bar is a set count that can absolutely add up quickly, impacting the integrity of our kip swing. Movement failure, whether here or on the rings at the end of the chipper, are the two "need to avoids" of the workout. Finding ourselves here is dangerous as time slides by incredibly quick. Recognizing that movement failure (or the loss of the kip swing in relation to the TTB) is an easy possibility if we bite off sets too large, let's be conservative here. Fast 5's on such a sizeable set can trump sets of 10 with large breaks between.

On the burpee box jumps, although a similar theme, let's slow our pace a touch here. Methodical, consistent, tight movement patterns. Never fast, but never stopping. This will allow us to move into the ring muscle-ups with sizable sets, which is hugely impactful in today's workout. Here, with the complexity of the movement, we'll have the most separation between athletes. Or perhaps better put, we'll face the largest amount of time not moving forward. Seconds between sets here run quickly, so we want to set ourselves for success on the previous burpee box jump overs.



3 Giant Sets:

20 Russian Twists w/ Medicine Ball

20 Superman’s

:30 Hollow Body Hold 15 Good Mornings

*rest as needed between rounds


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