Friday, May 6th
A. WARM UP: Down: Bear Crawl Back: Inchworm 10 Primal Pull Throughs 10 Bar Facing Burpees 10 Push Jerks B. STRENGTH: Every 90 Seconds,...
Thursday, May 5th
A. WARM UP: Run 400m Down: Inchworm Back: Butt Kickers Row 400m 1 Min/Leg Couch Stretch B. SKILL: 10 Rounds: 20 Seconds Hollow Rock or...
Wednesday, May 3rd
A. WARM UP: Run 400m Down and Back: Lunge with PVC Passthrough 2 Rounds: 10 Overhead Squats (empty barbell) 5 Burpee Box Jump Overs 6...
Tuesday, May 2nd
A. WARM UP Run/Row 400m Down: Spiderman Lunge Back: Samson Stretch 1 Min/Leg Couch Stretch 2 Rounds: 10 Medicine Ball Cleans 15 Sit-Ups...
Monday, May 1st
A. WARM UP: Row 2:00 Down: Side Walk with Band Around Knees 10 Air Squats Back: Side Walk with Band Around Knees 10 Air Squats 10 Burpee...